Community Food Distribution -
Lakeview Chapel is pleased to partner with the Dream Center to provide food to those in our community in need of assistance. Our Food-Give-Away takes place the Second and Fourth Friday of each month with sign-ups beginning at 8 am. VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AND APPRECIATED ... please be at the church by 8 am to help sort, pack and distribute the groceries for our neighbors.
Warming & Cooling Station
Lakeview Chapel opens its doors Tuesday through Friday to our neighbors in need of escaping inclimate weather, both hot (100+ degrees) and cold (excessive rain and cold). Hours may vary, please call the church for more information.
Clothes Closet - If you are in need of clothes for yourself or your family, we invite you to browse through our gentley used Clothes Closet and see how we can help. "Browsing" is by appointment only - and can be made at the Food Distribution the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month or call the church office.