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great guest speakers and visiting missionaries

Sunday, April 14, 2024

This morning we welcome Craig & Ruth Goodman of

Mission Aviation Fellowship

joining us to share their ministry with MAF.

Join us at 10 am, online or in person, and let's worship together! 

There will be a light potluck following this morning's service and

a love offering will be taken at the end of service.

If you miss us live, check back later in the week for a link to our recorded service.

Click here for our today's recorded link - and here for today's online bulletin.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Pastor Mike is nursing a head cold this morning

please welcome Ted Eich with today's message

The Wrath of God:  The Forgotten Doctrine

today's Scripture Reading is found in Romans 1:18

click here for today's message - click here for today's online bulletin


Sunday, January 14, 2024

this week we welcome

World Team Missionaries

Kristine & Jemme Patty

sharing their life and ministry

today's Scripture Reading is found in Matthew 28:18-20

click here for today's message - click here for today's online bulletin



Sunday, November 19, 2023

All Church Meeting Sunday

Guest Speaker - Pastor Wes Mackey - EMC Regional Superintendant

Today's Message

"Know Before Whom You Stand!"

click here for today's message - click here for today's online bulletin


Sunday, April 23, 2023

This week we welcome visiting

EMC Missionaries - Bill and Lisa Walker

today's message

Say Yes to God

click here for today's message - click here for today's online bulletin


Sunday, March 26, 2023

This week's message

Hidden Treasures

delivered by Ted Eich

Today's reading is found in Matthew 28:18-20

Click here for today's service.  Click here for today's bulletin.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

Ted Eich continues to fill the pulpit in Pastor's absence

this week's message is

Beauty and the Beast

Today's reading is found in Revelation 19:6-9

Click here for today's service.  Click here for today's bulletin.


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Ted Eich continues in the pulpit

as Pastor Mike recovers from a fall.

Sign of the Times

Today's reading is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14

Click here for today's service.  Click here for today's bulletin.



Sunday, March 5, 2023

Ted Eich will be taking the pulpit today

while Pastor takes a day off.

Why Are You Here?

taken from the Psalms

Today's Reading is found in John 1:12 & 13

Click here for today's service.  Click here for today's bulletin


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Filling the pulpit today - Ted Eich

The Great Reset

Today's Reading is found in John 1:12-13

Click here for today's service and here for today's bulletin


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Filling the pulpit today - Ted Eich

Three Strikes & You're Toast

Today's Reading is found in 2 Corinthians 4:4

Click here for today's service and here for today's bulletin.


Sunday, June 5, 2022

World Outreach Missionaries

Nate & Shaylesa Bryan

sharing about their ministry in elementary schools of Idaho

Today's Scripture is found in Psalm 117

Click here for today's service and here for today's bulletin


Sunday, November 14, 2021

EMC Regional Superintendant, Wes Mackey

Close Enough To Taste The Dust

Click here for today's service and here for today's bulletin

for your convenience, presented live and livestreamed



April 18, 2021

EMC International Superintendant

Pastor Max Edwards

This service is being live streamed

and will be put up on Vimeo and YouTube afterwards

click here for today's bulletin

click here for the link to today's service


March 7, 2021 - Pastor Wes Mackey

EMC Regional Superintendant

What a Mess! - 1 Peter 4:12-19

This service is being live streamed today

click here for today's bulletin

click here for the link to today's service


September 15, 2019 - Ted Eich

But a Worm - Psalm 22:6




September 22, 2019 - Ted Eich

The Names of God - Psalm 23



March 17, 2019  - Nina Kunkle

Missionary Presentation



June 17, 2018 - Ted Eich

GO! - Matthew 28:18-20



June 10, 2018 - Ted Eich

Called to be a Transformer - Romans 12:2



April 22, 2018 - Ted Eich

Who Are You? - Matthew 5:13-16



January 7, 2018 - Ted Eich

Fight the Good Fight



June 25, 2017 - Ted Eich

The Great Commission



March 5, 2017 - Ted Eich

Let's Reason Together - John 3:16